The Renaissance ball: one a year in Oregon some collage folk take to relive days of old and thus  they dress up in the time frame and dance and eat and do things that was done long ago and no more.

I was one of those folk that took up the banner for one time and here was my time there. ( I will give you quotes to best fit the pictures here)

an ode to a mace


that's a big skirt



couple #1

the minstrel and his lady


they dance

me in a noble garb

the driver to the event =)


me posing for noble weekly (LOL)

the duo


fair maiden #1

fair maiden #2


fair maiden #2 again

fair maiden #3


fair maiden #4

grouping #1  

grouping #2

the sentry


little john

the minstrel


All hail molly the wood elf

oops forgot her dress


taking a sip of wine?

the smithy


my duel

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